Site Template -- Geneology

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Christ Kingdom Ministries
60 daylily rd Rembert SC 29128

Tape list all tapes are 5.00 per tape post paid

1.Red dawn
part 1-2-3
and the babylonian connection
part 1-2-3
3.a divided kingdom
part 1-2
4.America land
of divine Inheritance
part 1-2
5.Israelite History
part 1-2-3-4
6.White slavery Colonial America
17-18 centuries
part 1-2-3
7.The negro-scriptural
beast of the feild
part 1-2-3-4-5
8.saten jewish mysticism Gods
Power of attorney
part 1-2
9.The negro and the
coming world Crisis
part 1-2-3
10.pre tribulation rapture
t or f
part 1-2-3-4-5
11.two baskets of figs
jeremiah 24
part 1-2-3-4
invasion of america
13.Israelite tribes
Identifying scriptures
&laws of God
14.Israelite Tribes
15. Boadicea Israelite Warrior Queen
& English war chariots
I.D.of the Israelites tribes 67-69 AD
16.Computer Mark of the beast
17.Evils of Racial
Miscegenation interbreeding
&Destruction of national Soverignty
18.Goals of the world order
part 1-2
19.Conditions of America Today
&coming Judments